ZDRB: Meeting Agenda – Mar. 9th

This week promises to be an information-packed meeting for the Zoning Design and Review Board. Four decisions need to be made: 1. there is the continuation of 2150 Starkey and the applicant’s re-design ideas, and they appear to have taken the feedback from the Commissioners and applied it to the design. Also, the architect has done

Is it Summer Yet?!

Parks and Rec staff is finalizing the plan for Summer Camp 2021. Enrollment offerings are being streamlined and adapted to the COVID 19 guidelines, including only a five-day-a-week option. There will be three groups of 14 campers and two staff. The maximum capacity will be 42. CDPH has raised the cohort number to 14 to

Possibly A Good Way to Reduce the Town Budget Expenses

The pedestrian crosswalk paddle sign was replaced at the intersection of Washington and Yount Streets after the prior sign was run over. If I had a dime for every time this happens, I could balance the Town budget! It might be a good time to reevaluate how best to watch out for pedestrians in Yountville. 

Yountville Business Award Winners Announced

Congratulations to the winners of this year’s Yountville Business Awards! ⁠Thanks to the Yountville Chamber. Such a well-deserving bunch of locals giving their all to our community. Tim & Noelle at Partners 2 Media, Business of the Year Allison Steltzner at Heron House Yountville for New Business of the Year Rob Stout for Volunteer of

Town Council: Meeting Notes – Mar. 2nd

Sometimes the interesting and need-to-know items are deeper in the agenda. It can happen that way because of the way the agenda is laid out and presented. Such was the case this week, all the way down in item 11. Staff Informational Reports E. OpenGov Online Budget Preview. Kyle Batista, Financial Analyst, presented this item.

John Dunbar, Yountville Mayor, Announces Run for District 3 Supervisor

I am all for a good discussion about wineries, housing, water, and economic support in our County. And it now appears we will be able to have that discussion in our neighborhood of Yountville… our Mayor of Yountville has stepped up and announced his campaign today for District 3 Supervisor. John has been the Mayor since 2010,

Arts Commission: Meeting Notes – Mar. 1st

This opportunity to watch a meeting for an hour and a half led to a better understanding of our Town and the Town budget process. This is a great way to begin to understand our Town budget. And for those who already understand, it gives you insight into our community and those involved with it.

North Block is Opening

It looks like my “work from home space” is ready for me! North Block opens on Monday, March 1st! The team comes from the David Chang restaurants of Momofuko out of NY.⁠ I follow David Chang quite a bit, have read his magazines, and listen to his podcast. I’ve eaten at his restaurants; I am

Let’s Recognize Our Veterans

This week is National Invest in Veteran’s Week, and we would like to take a moment to recognize a few local businesses owned and operated by our Veterans. Goodrich Designs – Randy Goodrich: Extensive skills and experience include establishing and maintaining excellent lasting client relations and developing liaisons with venders and printers for a smooth