Town Council: Agenda – May 4th

The Council meeting begins at 3 pm via Zoom. We might be seeing a shift here moving forward to in person and I, for one, have enjoyed the accessibility of Zoom. The meeting starts with four proclamations and a specific one near and dear to me, the Proclamation recognizing June as LGBTQ Pride month with

SPECIAL Town Council Meeting – Tues April 20, 2:30 pm Zoom

WASHINGTON PARK STREET REHABILITATION PROJECT. Discussion and Action to Terminate/Cancel Agreement with Always Paving, Inc. for the “Washington Park Street Rehabilitation Project” under relevant provisions of the Agreement including, but not limited to, Sections 6-4 (“Default by Contractor”) and 6-5 (“Termination”) of the Standard Specifications and authorizing staff to take all actions necessary to notify the

Town Council: Meeting Notes – April 6th

The meeting started with such a pop of energy; Marianne Lyon, Napa County Poet Laureate for 2021and literary ambassador for two years, received a proclamation to recognize this achievement. She shared her thoughts, goals, and ideas with us for her tenure and shared a quote from John Lennon. Her excitement for poetry is so evident,

Town Council: Meeting Notes – Mar. 2nd

Sometimes the interesting and need-to-know items are deeper in the agenda. It can happen that way because of the way the agenda is laid out and presented. Such was the case this week, all the way down in item 11. Staff Informational Reports E. OpenGov Online Budget Preview. Kyle Batista, Financial Analyst, presented this item.

Town Council: Meeting Notes – Feb. 2nd

 I was on the Town’s YouTube channel six minutes before the start time of 3 pm, ready to start typing rapidly, not to miss a word. And I waited and waited. How appropriate that almost a full 12 months into our learning curve for using Zoom that the meeting had been delayed by over 40

Town Council: Agenda – Feb. 2nd

The next Yountville Town Council meeting is Tuesday, February 3 at 3 pm on Zoom. This one proves to be engaging with discussion on the changes to the current town budget for fiscal 2020/2021 and then a discussion on budget parameters to set the stage for budget discussion for fiscal 2021/2022. Now is the perfect time to