Make Your Voice Heard

This Tuesday, February 1, at 3 pm via Zoom, the Yountville town Council will appoint an applicant to fill the vacant Council seat. The qualified group hoping to be appointed are:

  • Robert Moore
  • Robert Stout
  • Joe Tagliaboschi
  • Hillery Trippe
  • Doug Yarris

At the meeting on Tuesday, the applicants will make a three-minute presentation to the Council. After all, applicants have presented, the public will have an opportunity to comment. The Council invites the public to provide public comment regarding the applicants in three ways: via email at, submitting comments via the HTML agenda using the public comment speech bubble feature (far right under Options), or by joining the Zoom meeting using the Raise Hand feature. If the public uses the raised Hand Feature, they will be allowed three minutes to speak.

All qualified applicants completed a Town generated application which we have attached for you at the end of this post. You can compare the applicants side by side. The Yountvillian also posed two questions to the applicants: 1. Given the current makeup on the Council, what will you bring to the mix? 2. You’re living the dream in Yountville; why the interest in getting involved with Yountville? The applicants replied, and one, Ms. Trippe, shared only her public application with no additional comments, as she felt it spoke to her intentions and qualifications. Please read the pages for each candidate and their further comments.

I highly suspect this will be a preview for the November election, and we can start learning now.

Applications to be reviewed:

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