Still A Party. Just To-Go. Tickets Still Available.
The Kiwanis Club Board met last week and made the decision to pivot this year’s Crab Feed Fundraiser scheduled for January 22, 2022 to a To-Go Event.
The Kiwanis Club Board met last week and made the decision to pivot this year’s Crab Feed Fundraiser scheduled for January 22, 2022 to a To-Go Event.
On Monday, December 27, Rector Reservoir spilled over and down its spillway.
The 3rd annual Inspire Napa Valley Winter Wine & Food Fête on Dec. 11 raised more than $450,000 to benefit the care, support, and research efforts of the Alzheimer’s Association.
Cal Vet has released a new “website” with details on Rector Reservoir.
The Town is beginning an ADA improvements project for The Forrester Park/ Three Weirs Park.
In light of the new omicron variant and holiday socializing, The State of California will be enforcing an indoor mask mandate after 6 months of looser restrictions.
From Upper Valley Disposal & Recycling services, here are some tips and tricks (in English & Spanish) to make your holidays just as merry for the environment as they are for you.
Napa Valley Vintners (NVV) has committed to sponsoring six days of COVID-19 vaccination clinics for Napa Valley youth at locations across the county.
The town has announced opportunities for boosters and vaccines in line with the expanded- eligibility for COVID-19 vaccines and boosters.
Water years begin every October 1st and end September 30th of the following year. Yountville’s Mean Average Precipitation is historically 29.21 Inches per year. Using the Napa One Rain Gauge located on Hopper Creek at SR 29, Yountville’s Mean Average Precipitation for the last 2-years was only 13.26 inches. For the last 5-years, it was only 27.35 inches,