We Have Lost A True Yountvillian and I Have Lost a Friend

Rose Solis passed away last week.

I have such a heavy heart with this. Rose was such an integral part of this Town and our day-to-day lives in Yountville. She was a friend and someone I wanted to listen to. I wanted her perspective on life, business, and the people in our community. Rose liked me (I am not a blond frat girl in Town for a bridal party, so that helps), and I liked and respected her insights and ideas, and thoughts. Uncensored and laid out before me with no gray areas, I always knew where she stood.

When I applied to be appointed to the Yountville Town Council, about seven years ago, Rose was the only person who stood in front of the Council to tell them why I should be that new Council member. It worked; they appointed me. When a group of gay/lesbian people throughout Napa Valley had a Gorilla Gay Bar outing, Panchas was one of our first stops. We went there because Rose was behind the bar. She welcomed us all with a cigarette and open arms. When I turned 50, I had my party at Panchas; gay Ken doll cake and all. I celebrated with my friends, including my dear friend Rose. When I got married in Town, Rose, not one to shy away from voicing her thoughts, gave a toast to my new husband and me. Of course, the after-party was at Panchas.

I would always ask her to write an email or send a letter to the Sun. She had so much to share and a unique perspective. She would be demure (not a word one would usually associate with Rose). She would give me excuses as to her comfort with putting words on paper. It is unfortunate because she had a lot of great things to say.

I am lucky to have been able to sit with her and learn a thing or to. I will miss her. We will all miss her.

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Carole S Arcellana
Carole S Arcellana
1 year ago

Awwwww…Beautifully said, Jeff. Yountville will not be the same without Rose.

Hillery Walsh
Hillery Walsh
1 year ago

Beautifully written tribute, so sorry for the loss of your dear friend…Rose always kept it real 🙂