And what a dance it was! The parade from Panchas with the Second Line Band to the outpouring from the community at the Estates. It was a once-in-a-lifetime, only in Yountville experience. All because of Rose Solis. Love her or hate her; (and we were all a bit scared of her), she was the ultimate Yountvillian. Spending her entire life here and helping to run an actual local serving business.
As we all assembled at Panchas Sunday at noon, the first time in over two and half years that many people stepped foot on the property, it was apparent it would be a special day. Familiar faces and faces of those who returned just for this special event. At 12:30, the parade started with a procession of at least 30 motorcyclists, some bearing the logos of local biker groups. The Second Line band then began to play as over 100 people followed them down Washington St, headed to Rose’s Last Dance at the Estates. The energy was excellent with the music, the people and the stories, and the family. The parade erupted into applause as Roses’ brother, Rene, stopped at the family compound on Washington St and grabbed a life-size cut out of Rose on a motorcycle, and continued to lead us down the street.
All the tourists in their cars, walking the streets, and our local businesses had their phones out: videoing the parade, even though they knew something special was happening.
When we arrived at the Estates, the party opened up to all the fantastic people in our community who stepped up to support the family and make this happen: the food, the wine, the emcee, the politicians, the tributes. You had to be there. Stephen Andrews was perfect as the “emcee,” and David Shipman who coordinated all the details. The politicians from Sacramento, Napa, and Yountville were all there, reminding us all of what a force she was in Yountville and beyond.
It took Rose Solis’ Last Dance to make this all happen. I was fucking lucky to know her and have her as a friend.
Read the proclamation from the Town of Yountville. Leave a comment with your favorite Rose stories. Would love to hear them.
I was fucking lucky as well! Seeing old friends meeting new ones and hugging those who loved Rose dearly. My first Town outing since Covid and reminding me why our Town is soo special. It won’t be quite the same, a little less colourful and passionate! Hope Bobby opens again soon. Hugs and love to all who loved Rose. We were Blessed to know her! And will never forget her