June Is Pride Month

The Town of Yountville is raising the Pride Flag tomorrow at 11 am at Town Hall. Come by and show your support and say thank you to the Council and staff for doing this. The Council also created a Proclamation in recognition of LGBTQ Pride Month. Read it

As I stated several years ago, when we first raised the flag, there must be visibility and support for all those around us. There must be positive and uncomfortable discussions about diversity and inclusion. Each year the Pride Flag has been raised in Yountville, our local paper receives a letter from the same resident railing against this action. I have sided with the Sun in printing these letters because it shows me firsthand the work that needs to be done with education and outreach. By the way, I have delivered a Thanksgiving meal to him and his wife these past two years. This year, their meal will come with a little polite conversation about who has been making this happen for them. Visibility is crucial, so the Pride Flag at Town Hall is important!

This past week, a gay wine blogger walking in the Castro of SF was shot in the side of his body by someone driving by, who screamed faggot as he sped away (he is currently recovering). I refuse to let angry hatred prevail. Visibility, education, and legislation (for the guns) need to continue.

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