$1.4 Million Raised for Napa Firewise

Sen. Bill Dodd’s annual holiday party, which took place on December 3rd at Meritage Resort, set a fundraising record taking in $1.4 million to support wildfire prevention and safety projects from the Napa Communities Firewise Foundation.

For the past 22 years, Sen. Bill Dodd’s holiday parties have been a leading fundraiser for Napa County nonprofit groups. The festive gatherings have raised a combined $5 million since the first one in 2000. This year was by far the best in history in terms of money raised.

Napa Communities Firewise Council is a countywide nonprofit organization that has been operating for 16 years. Its mission is to reduce the risk and impacts of wildfires through fire fuel reduction and community education in Napa County. It achieves this through Fire Safe Councils, through local, state and federal grants, and by educating our communities on such topics as defensible space, home hardening, and fire preparedness.

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