Washington Park Street Paving

First, a clarification to my discussion last week about Washington Park parking bays. The bays have always been raised; it is just the martial that has changed. I also received a great question last week that stated if the parking bays are private property,…” can I then fence it off and make it my bbq area?” Short answer, no. The parking bays have two easements running through them: 1. parking easement, 2. utility easement. So they need to be accessible. When the contractor created the subdivision, I am assuming the Council and Town Staff were trying to maintain an “Old Town” feel, and here we are today with raised, asphalt parking bays.

And the paving of the Washington Park neighborhood will begin a week from today, Monday, March 29. It is then expected, per the Town’s correspondence, that on April 12, the contractor that is repaving the streets will then perform work on the parking bays. The town will repair any public parcel owned by the Town, parcels with fire hydrants, and parcels damaged by the water project. The contractors will resurface other parking bays that the individual property owners hired. Last I read, individual work was about $300 a bay. Contact Public Works with clarifications, 707 944 8851.

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