AVID Classes for the Napa Valley

Here’s a resource for Napa County students that could benefit from additional guidance and college preparation — AVID classes. Napa County is filled with young talented individuals but faced with economic adversities and limited resources to pursue their dreams. To support these students, Napa High School provides opportunities for them to achieve their goals by offering AVID classes.

The primary mission of AVID is to close the achievement gap by providing all students with the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in college and life in a global society. It targets students in the academic middle who aspire to attend college; these students are frequently the first in their families to do so and come from underrepresented groups in higher education.

To prepare the students for college, the AVID elective class requires them to enroll in the most rigorous programs available, such as Honors and Advanced Placement. To better guide these students, they are trained to develop organization skills, study habits, critical thinking skills, support systems from peers and college tutors, and enrichment and motivational activities.

The school not only focuses on academic subjects but also celebrates the students’ artistic talents as well. Teacher Loreen Ruegg played a huge part in the development of these students. To highlight these talents, we are sharing with you some of the snippets of their work!

Think about life and all it means
Remember those days when you were a child
The world was a better place and never changed
So you’re a kid, and one day you’re an adult
And life can be anything you want it to be
Just remember your dreams
And the happiness that will come to stay
It’s about faith and following your dreams
Found Poem in Think About Life
– Edwin Ponce (NHS AVID 2021)

As it ends we smile,
Tassel left to right, Cap thrown
Goodbyes are not easy.
– Jordan Blackmon

The hands filled with soil
Under the bright intense sun
Create the grape vines
– Natalie Rodriguez

An ocean journey
Where sounds of waves crash and end
The sand embraces me
– Nick Escobar

Where does one find directions
Going off into the real world
Adulthood where does it start
– Karla Ramirez

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